A Typical Boy

This weekend Kelli and I are packing up Eric’s SUV and heading here:

3309665819_226fc37840(Hopefully sans snow.) I’m really excited.

So, last night I’m at home, engrossed in Lost. Eric bursts through the door, having just finished a session at the studio. 

“You know you’re going to need wood and matches this weekend, right?” Oh how he underestimates me…I’ll have a full report of our trip on Monday.


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5 responses to “A Typical Boy

  1. Barb (aka tobpa)

    Did he forget you are PHIL’S KID…be prepared is not only his slogan, it’s his lifestyle!!!!

  2. I know you’re a good girl scout, but don’t forget plenty of woolies to wear! It’s still cold in the mountains.

    Also, don’t forget your credit card just in case you have to check into a motel!!!!

    Have a great time!

  3. poorslobwithoutaname

    LOL! Shows what he knows. I literally filled up the back of Will’s SUV with some free firewood I found on craigslist earlier this week. Also, I’d say in the packing and perparedness department I tend to run on the side of over prepared. It is not ucommon for me to bring both my bikini and my parka on the same trip “just in case.” Can’t wait for girls only camping awesomeness!

  4. lauren2498

    Both my bathing suit and my parka are in the car…cause you never know!

  5. Can’t wait to see the bikini babes wearing their parkas around a BIG roaring fire!

    Have a blast!!

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